Wednesday, 29 April 2009

119/365 - JellySmoke.

The wife has gone to yoga, the boy is fast asleep in bed so nothing better to do than a few smoke art shots, when I say a few, I really mean about 50 keepers from a 25 mins session tonight. I will slowly work my way through them and add them too my smoke art collection. Thought I would use this one tonight as I really liked it and it reminded me of a jelly fish.

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118/365 - 35mm what's that?

I have rare treat at the end of May when I am attending a wedding as the bestman not the offical photographer. I am so excited and honoured. But being the way I am I will not be able to last the whole day without taking a few snaps, so tonight I have dusted my first 35mm film camera and been soucing Ebay for a few rolls of Ilford black and white film to load it up with. Should be fun. Must remember to keep my tounge in my mouth when watching the offical tog's working.

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Monday, 27 April 2009

117/365 - Pleased to meat you.

Not the most inspiring shot after the weekend but was asked to do a product shot for a local company who have just set up delivering door to door local produce in my area, it's mainly fresh local veg and dairy at present but, yes you guessed it, they will soon be delivering meat products. Now to work out my fillet from my rump.

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116/365 - Reflection.

What a complete difference. Over night the rain and wind disappeared. A much smaller wave though than Friday but it was back to Polzeath again for another great surf. I got out a little sooner than the rest in the hope of trying to get some surf shots, but by the time I got back to the waters edge they had all got out. Oh well their loss.
Despite the weather it was a great weekend.

I am currently working on a edoit version of this shot based on comments on my flickr stream.

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115/365 - Boys will be boys.

The weather was mental in the night, 90 mph gust at times and some very heavy rain. Needless to say surfing is not on the cards today due to the poor conditions, so being the lads that we are we headed for the biggest sand dune we could find and threw ourselves off it. Well they did, I just took the photo's.

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114/365 - The Gathering

First day of our surfari. All meet at Polzeath and had a good surf, little big for some so the afternoon was spent on a smaller wave at Harlyn. Forecasted weather for over night is not looking good. Fingers crossed they have got it wrong.

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Thursday, 23 April 2009

113/365 - That should see me through.

Getting packed tonight ready for the first surfari of the season tomorrow. Heading down into deepest darkest kernow for a surf trip / stag party with the boys in the morning. So in true man fashion I am only packing the bare essentials. The beer is chilling on ice along with some of Mr Daniels finest, hence the coke, bread for bacon baps and burgers, relish for anything and everything, beans for other meals and loads of sugary cakey snacky yummyness. Can you tell it's a lads trip. Oh and i do have a few token bits of fruit too. My Mum will be proud.
Hopefully the weather will hold out. Swell looks ok, but we might get wet away from surfing. Dam.
There will be no updates, probably, until late Sunday night if not Monday now from me, but I am taking all the camera gear so expect some interesting shots on my return. Till then...

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Wednesday, 22 April 2009

112/365 - My driving force.

Caugh the wife having a cat nap on the sofa this afternoon, the first shot was her asleep but the dam shutter click woke her, this was next shot. At least it wasn't a reach to hit the camera. Bless her she is tolerant of me and the camera.

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111/365 - My office.

Once again I'll be honest here and admit this isn't one of my better entries into my 365 project but I have so much processing work on at present I only remember with 30 secs of the day left. Check the exif and you will see this shot of my messy desk was taken 11.59 30secs. I finished work last night, well this morning at a around 2 and now back here again trying to clear the mamoth back log of processing before next weeks onslaught. But I'm not complaining I would rather have too much work than none at all. I must be doing something right.

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Monday, 20 April 2009

110/365 - Hello my pretty.

I seem to be having a love affair with my bbq at present. Just want to cook anything and everything on it. Not sure what else to add here. So without waffling on i will just add a couple of links to my site . Go check it out sometime.

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Sunday, 19 April 2009

109/365 - The afterparty.

I'll be honest today and say i couldn't be arsed to get out there and take some landscape shots despite the stonking weather today. After 7 days non stop shooting ending in an amazing wedding yesterday I just wanted to chill today. And chill I did. Had some good friends around for a bbq this afternoon, where good food was consumed, cold beers were drunk and i relaxed. So I grabbed this one slightly worse for wear as I cleared up the garden.

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Saturday, 18 April 2009

108/365 - A great day.

Despite a mid week forecast of heavy rain the sun shone today for the wedding I was shooting. Had a great day, a great couple with a lot of very fun and relaxed friends and family. The day was a great success and I am itching to get processing the shots, despite being knackered. I have been given free reign of the final images, so time to play me thinks... Hopefully get to post a few once the bride and groom have seen them.

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Friday, 17 April 2009

107/365 - Wishing I was there still.

Last day today so drove that bit extra to use up the fuel in the hire car before returning it. Took a couple of lefts, then a few rights and eventually ended up here at this amazing little cove. Images taken at Bouley Bay, Jersey, CI.
All images are pretty much SOOC with only minor levels and crop tweaks.
On the subject of hire cars, thought it only right to abuse ours today. Managed to hit the dizzy speeds of 50mph and use 5th gear too. Madness.
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106/365 - Archi who.

This island is littered with hundreds of old war sites from towers, to bunkers and tunnels, everytime we turn a corner when out exploring we find more. This is taken on the east side of the island between Gorey Castle and St Catherines breakwater. I have taken loads more of this site so keep an eye out for them sometime soon.

Archirondel, Grouville, Jersey, CI.

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Wednesday, 15 April 2009

105/365 - 50p to see the view....

Bit of a funny day out here, the weather was horrible to start off with, very heavy rain, thunder, lightening and cold. Then as the day progressed it cleared up allowing me just enough time to grab a few snaps. Not the best today so processed the hell out of it. Been trying to take one picture a day of these binoculars that are scattered all around the island.
This was taken at St Aubins bay, Jersey, CI.

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Tuesday, 14 April 2009

104/365 - Mico argentatus

Went to the zoo here today, had an amazing time the Durrell Wildlife trust do some amazing things here on and off the island. One of the best things is the marmosets and tamarinds were allowed to roam freely around the park. Allowing you to get some real close up shots like this one. The is a Silvery Marmoset.. If anyone is planning on visiting the island I strongly urge you to take a day to visit the zoo

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Monday, 13 April 2009

103/365 - Bonus.

Whilst doing a bit of sight seeing around the Island today I came across the old Pontins Holiday Camp @ Plemont in the north of the island. Have seen it numerous times before but it has always been boarded up. Today it wasn't. Did curiousity get the better of me, you had better click here to find out. Did I or Didn't I go in????

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102/365 - The other white house.

A good freind of ours has come out for a few days with us to Jersey, so took her out tonight to shoot a spot I have wanted to shot since out first visit, light was not ideal but ok. Used my sigma flash off camera fired by poverty wizard to try and pop the white house out a little. It didn't work as well as I would have hoped but pretty pleased none the less.

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101/365 - to the left a bit please.

First day out here on Jersey so had to go out and get a shot of a Jersey cow. Very friendly animals. Happy to pose for a few shots. Think I mayt have found heaven in a carton too. Jersey Organic gold top milk. It's like runny cream for cereal.

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Friday, 10 April 2009

100/365 - Happy Easter.

Being Easter weekend and all I thought it rather apt to take a shot of some mini eggs before we scoffed them with the new episode of Red Dwarf. Or are they mini eggs? Maybe they are just lots of mini pebbles with a little clever processing... Anyway, Red Dwarf was good and the eggs were great as ever.
Off on holiday tomorrow, not saying where you'll have to guess, hopefully be able to update my 365 project everyday as the accommodation has free wifi. But if not will update on my return next weekend.

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Thursday, 9 April 2009

99/365 - Pedal Power

Having to resort to pedal power for the next couple of days as my van decided two days before I go on holiday would be a good time to break down. Grrrr... Hopefully it's nothing major but have left it with the garage whilst I enjoy my holiday.

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98/365 - By the hairs on my chinny chin chin

Not sure what i was thinking with this shot, had a couple of others lined up but for some reason ended up turning the camera on myself and shooting my chin. I really do need a shave.

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Wednesday, 8 April 2009

97/365 - Hello is there anybody there.

Had the pleasure of spending sometime in a large retail unit today waiting for someone to serve me. All I wanted wanted was a new laptop. I did not want extra warranty, or extra software, or a new bag or Norton anti virus. I JUST WANTED A NEW LAPTOP.
No joke it took me over an hour just to get the laptop I had already reserved online. Nearly walked out at one point, the hard sell was unbelievable.
But eventually I was able to pick up my new toy. Took this shot whilst waiting, got a couple more then the manager came over and asked what i was doing. Opps busted..

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Monday, 6 April 2009

96/365 - Here mousey mousey,

Not really sure where I was going with tonight's picture, but ended up here. Loads of editing to do today so it seemed rather apt to take a picture of my cordless mouse. As ever couldn't just leave it as a plain old boring shot so processed the heck out of it in Lightroom.

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95/365 BBQ time.

Summer is nearly upon us so it's time to break out the BBQ,well for it's time to get a new ones, ours got very wet and rusty after last summer. So treated myself to a new and improved one. First proper outing for it today, christened her with a few real ales too. May she serve me well over the summer months and coming years.
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Sunday, 5 April 2009

94/365 - Say Baaaaa.

As a treat to Jack for yesterdays little bump, which is on the mend now, thanks to witch hazel, some frozen peas and a lot of cuddles, I took him down to a friends farm to see the lambs and sheep. Rather than just post a shot of a sheep or lamb I thought I would do something a little different. A sheep portrait, single light black and white.

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93/365 - Ouch.

Not the best of days today, our son is now sporting a very nice lump and ever darkening bruise on his forehead after a minor mishap with our stairs. It's the first time he has done himself any damage so we spent most of Friday night making sure he was alright, so hence no update on Friday night.

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Thursday, 2 April 2009

92/365 - Crash.....

Went off out to visit a client tonight, but as it was still light as I went I took the opportunity to scope out a location I have been meaning to visit for ages. I went to Fremington Quay to get some shots of boat who broke her moorings last winter and has been just left there to decay, but it wasn't as good as hoped, but caught this shot on the drive down to the quay. One very old boat with a newer one moored in it. Nice parking.

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Wednesday, 1 April 2009

91/365 - Wish it was a joke.

Wish this was a joke but my laptop has packed in so am spending this evening trying to reinstall windows with a dodgy dvd drive, limited patience and a lot of coffee, in the vain hope of getting it working again. Fingers crossed.

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