Sunday, 31 May 2009

150/365 - Cutting of the groom, sorry cake.

For once I attended a wedding without being the main tog, so was more than happy to load up the Canon A1 35mm film camera with a roll of Ilford HP5 film and get some old school shots, then break out the polaroid camera and do my bit as best man and get shots and comments from all the guests for the happy couples book. As the paid tog's had gone before the meal, I was asked after several lemonade shandies to take a few shots of the cutting of the cake.. In my state it wasn't going to be a traditional shot.

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149/365 - Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

First night in the hotel before the wedding tomorrow. Ended up with a deluxe room that includes a 4 poster bed, pretty cool i thought till I looked above the bed. Um... Need I say anymore except I had to be very drunk not to let it scare me....

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Friday, 29 May 2009

148/365 - Brendon where are you?

Have seemed to have spent most of the day driving aorund in think fog. Very eeire. The view from thsi spot is normally amazing, but nothing more than a miles of pea soup fog and this rusty old sign today.

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Thursday, 28 May 2009

147/365 - So I'm the bestman then.

Just a very quick shot today as I am still working hard to finish last weekends wedding shots to present to the couple on Thursday. But took a bit of time out tonight to finish getting ready for this weekends wedding, this time though I shall sort of be putting down my camera and just being one of the guests, well the bestman iactually, the suit has arrived, with the wrong sizes trousers, my speech is almost written and I'm very nervous about delivering it. So nearly there.

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Tuesday, 26 May 2009

146/365 - Coffee and biscuits?

Have got a huge amount of work on this week so going to be needing as much coffee and biscuits as I can handle to get through it. Fingers crossed. ALso been putting some of my new skill in bounced flash into this shot, the flash was fired over my left shoulder up at the wall behind me 1/4 power camera in manual exposure mode. Think it creates a softer shadow.

145/365 - Jack in a box?

Not an amazily inspiring shot today but was playing with flash bounce this afternoon and caught my boy playing in our poof. So here's my jack in a box. Sorry I'll get me coat shall I?

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Sunday, 24 May 2009

144/365 - Downend Sundown.

After yesterdays mamoth shoot I was knackered, so just chilled around the house, managed to find enough energy to go out at sunset and shoot the sun. A little disapointed with tongiths sunset as the cloud cover was very low so nothing much to catch the final ray of sun. So not as good as my last here's tonights sunet.

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143/365 - Sunset Bride

Had the pleasure of shooting an amzing wedding today down in Woolacombe at the Woolacombe Bay Hotel, originally was only booked to shoot till the wedding breakfast but was asked tp stay on till the evning do. So used that time between to wedding breakfast and first dance ot take the bride and groom dowen to the beach for some shots at sunset. After 11 hours shooting, 2000+ shots and blazing sun all day, I am shattered. But stoked with the results I saw when backing them all up.

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Friday, 22 May 2009

142/365 - Goes well with........ Most things?

I must be getting old, used to hate real ale and red wine now that's all I seem to drinking lately. Finally got around to drinking this little cheeky number we were given a while back. I enjoyed it and in my best Jilly Gouldwin voice this goes well with beef burgers from the BBQ and rich fruit cake!

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Thursday, 21 May 2009

141/365 - Can you guess what it is...

Looks like Jack will be getting a baby brother or sister this christmas. Had our 12 week scan this morning and I asked nicely if I could take a picture, and this is the result. Can't explain how excited I am.

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Wednesday, 20 May 2009

140/365 - New Car.

A bit of a rushed shot tonight. Got home late to find a huge box on the door step. Granny Jersey has sent our boy a new toy. Yeap that's right a massive push along car. Managed to squeeze in some play time with it before his bed.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2009

139/365 - My plums!

Been working on scene and lighting set up for some product shots I have coming up soon, I didn't have anything similar in the kitchen to what I am shooting so got my plums out instead..

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138/365 - Let me see you shake your tail feathers.

Out and about on a bit of a mission today, I was confronted with a very protective peacock. Tail feathers came up and that horrid noise they make was filling the air, all in the name of protecting his lady as he saw me as a threat. Typically though my camera was in the van still. By the time I got back to him, he was clam and tail feathers stowed. So just grabbed a quick candid of him and processed in a polaroid stylee.

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Sunday, 17 May 2009

137/365 - Pip Pip.

Had a meeting with clients this morning who's wedding I am shooting next weekend, was hoping to do a location scout and get some test shots but the weather was miserable so we sat and drank coffee in Woolacombe. Having had my planned shot scuppered I resorted to my now trusty reflective table. Tried several subjects and this came out the best.

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Saturday, 16 May 2009

136/365 - What you looking for?

Lazy day spent with my boy so lazy shot. Promise to try harder tomorrow.

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Friday, 15 May 2009

135/365 - Just the one then.

A rare treat this weekend, I have some time off. Yeah.... Got a good friend down to see us too, so time for a celebratory drink or two. Picked up some cans of an old favourite this week, I had forgotten how good that stuff tasted. Add a splash of Jack Daniels too and it tastes even better.

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Thursday, 14 May 2009

134/365 - Smile son.

Just a quick candid of my boy tonight, was messing around with my 30d and nifty fifty trying to remove a present from the dust bunnies when I remeber how much I love using that lens. So fired off a few shots of my boy. Who by the way took his first steps this week. Tried to capture it but all he wanted was to grab the camera and kept over balancing. So hopefully with a bit more practice he will be the star of the day sometime next week.

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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

133/365 - More smoke.

After not being 100% happy with last weeks attempt at some more smoke art images i went back to the drawing board and modified my set up slightly. I Changed the position of the flash and of the subject in relation to the background and also made a snoot for my flash to direct more of the light away from the background. Much happier with tonights set.
I have left the tip of the burning stick in view so you can get a perspective of how small the smoke cluster is.

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Tuesday, 12 May 2009

132/365 - For Grandma.

Bit of a somber day here today, we had some sad news this morning that my wifes grandma passed away last night. So was kinda struggling for a shot tonight, I decided to take a walk out around Croyde and was greated with this sight.
May you rest peacefully now grandma.

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Monday, 11 May 2009

131/365 - This will make it better my boy.

Just a quick shot tonight, am slowly trying to wade my way through a ton of jobs this week. Took my little lad to the moctors today for his MMR jab. Ouch. Not sure who it hurts more, me, him or his mother. So after a few tears (from him not me) I did what all good dads do and took him to the toy shop and brought him this, tonights subject matter. In years to come son when you are able to read this, today was the day I brought you your first split screen bus.

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Sunday, 10 May 2009

130/365 - Happy Birthday Dad.

I won't lie to you but I feel a little fragile today. Didn't think I drank that much but obviously I did. Anyway off to Mum and Dad's today to celebrate my Dad's 65th birthday. With the way I feel, this is about the best I can muster. A nice lazy shot of my Dad doing what he does best.

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129/365 - Pull.

Had the stag do for my mate Helmut today, being the best man and having taken him on a surfing trip the other week, todays do was a little subdued and local. So a the morning was spent at the shootin grounds. Thought I was going to be rubbish having last shot about 20+ years ago, but managed a respectable 18 out of 25 scoring more on the hardere traps. The rest of the day was spent on the pitch and putt courses playing very badly and then off to the pub.

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Saturday, 9 May 2009

128/365 - Hartland Quay

Found myself at Hartland Quay on my travels today, a lovely place when the weather is not blowing a hoolie, some very interesting rock patterns in the cliffs surrounding the area. Somewhere I shall put on my list of places to revisit I think.

If you view the image in large size on the righthand size you will some speeks of what look like dust bunnie droppings but it is foam from the breaking waves being blown across the headland. Honest.

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Thursday, 7 May 2009

127/365 - Lee Abbey.

Out and about on my travels today and happened to be passing by the Valley of the Rocks near Lynton. Took a small and I mean small, country road to end up here with this view. Didn't really sey out to take landscape imagery today so the sky is a little blown in places but i am still pleased with it. The small building on the right is Lee Abbey.

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Wednesday, 6 May 2009

126/365 - What's for tea love?

Have been doing some phopotgraphy work for a new company that has started up in my area ( which specialises in supplying to homes and businesses, fruit, veg and salad boxes using locally sourced produce. I was very kindly donated one of each today and was blown away by the quality of the goods and what you get for your money, I know this sounds like a plug for them, well yes it is, but I am genuinely stoked with my boxes and will continue to use them for many years. Ian and Jon, I wish you all the best in this new venture. Good luck guys.

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Tuesday, 5 May 2009

125/365 - Ah fluffy bunny.

Just messing about in the garden with my boy this afternoon, trying to get a couple of shots of him on his slide, when I felt something nibbling at my feet, looked down to see my rabbit sniffing my feet. Bit lame but thought it about time some of the other members of our family get some exposure.

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Monday, 4 May 2009

124/365 - Just once for Daddy. Please...

Seems like an age since my boy was the subject of a 365 shot. Well this weekend was a bit of a mamoth step for him, he is now standing unaided for sometime. Go on my son.... I did try to get him to do it for tonights shot but alas the old adage of never work with kids or animals was very evident tonight. He refused point blank to stand for me and insisted on turning his back everytime I tried to get shot of him. Hence backside shot of him tonight. But in those trousers he is still one hip baby.

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Sunday, 3 May 2009

123/365 - Sunday stroll.

Had a real lazy day today, lunch out with the wife and my boy then a quick walk along the coast path overlooking Saunton beach. Don't think I need add any more to this.

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Saturday, 2 May 2009

122/365 - Lych gate linch mob.

Todays wedding went well. Cracking weather, lovely couple and great location. Only downside was the narrow exit from the church yard. So as all the guests gathered around to get the shot of them leaving the lych gate, I struggled to get a good position without pissing the guests off, so i did what any innovative togger would do and hop up on the seat of the wedding bus (with full permission of the owner) and hang out the rag top roof to get the shot. Just going through the shots now and I am pretty pleased with them. So to the new Mr and Mrs Young, congratulations.

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121/365 - Fish supper.

I am shooting a big wedding tomorrow so spent sometime this afternoon cleaning, charging and packing my gear ready for the big event. Cleanfogot about taking a sensible picture for today 365's shot so here's my tea. Friday night is lazy tea night, so this week I was instructed by the wife to get her fish and chips. I did try and get a couple of sneaky shots whilst in the chippy but I think the lady behind the counter was on to me and kept shying away . Oh well.

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120/365 - I wish it was this easy.

Today is a case of "Matt's tedious link" for my shot but considering the situation it's the best I could muster. Anyway. We are currently trying to move house (Noah was the only house type item we had.), and it's a real headache. Solicitors wanting loads of money, estate agents wanting money, HIP packs, then there's the hassle of find buyers who don't mess you around, and finding a house we like. Oh the stress. Actually ours has been relativley simple so far, but I am not going to jinx it, so my lips are tightly sealed. Watch this space.

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