Thursday, 30 July 2009

211/365 - My weapon of choice.

Was kinda stuck for a shot today so took a shot of my trust 30d / 50mm combo that I seem to using so often these days. I once contemplated getting a G10 for everyday shooting but this works just as well and that nifty fifty lens is such a great lens.

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210/365 - They forecast rain!

We had a little rain today. Was confronted with this sight as I was out and about on my travels today. Thought twice about turning around and finding a different route, but thought better of it, just gunned it and kept the revs high. Produced a lovely bow wave.

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Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Free Photos.

Do you fancy a free photo session with me?
Well just join my facebook group, then tell all your mates too and once I reach over 250 fans then I shall be offering 5 lucky fans the chance to have a one hour session free of charge and I'll throw in five free prints too. So what you waiting for become a fan of my work by clicking on the facebook link above then spread the word. Simple.

The photoshoots can be anything you like, but I am keen to work on the following projects.
Newborn photography, bridal bourdoir, pregnancy photography, cherish the dress and a long term project of bump to birthday. So if you think you might be up for any of those then please drop me a line.

209/365 - Moooo you looking at?

Out and about today and spotted this lonely cow in a field near St Giles in the Wood. Really it should be a picture of the sync light on my router as I finally have broadband again at home now, but this shots seemed better.
Having got the net back no I shall be updating my daily blog shots on a more regular basis from now on.

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208/365 - That will do nicely thank you.

Back to work today after a week off with the family in our new home, so make the first day better Abi baked some of her amazing flapjack. Now that's a welcome home after a days work. Cuppa tea and some flapjack.

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207/365 - Bucket of dinosaurs

Jacksons favourite books at present are the "Harry and the dinosaurs" set, so in keeping with his book, Jackson now has a bucket of dinosaurs too.

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206/365 - Drinks anyone?

Had our first friends round tonight for a meal in our new house. As ever some alchol was consumed.

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Saturday, 25 July 2009

205/365 - Family day out.

Today we went out as a family to Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park. Have to admit I wasn’t expecting much from it and almost resented paying the entrance fee, but once in it was great. A little disjointed and hilly to get around but the quality of the park was amazing. Loads to do and plenty of talks / shows exhibitions to see. Pity I went with just one lens as the sea lion show was brilliant but needed a long zoom. So, managed to get up close these guys, possibly one of my favourites. If you are in the area and looking or something to do then this place is well worth a visit.

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204/365 - Careful as you go now.

Thursday is fire practice night so seeing as I haven’t shown much from the fire service lately, today’s shot is of one of guys using the SHAC’s gear to traverse along a structure in a drill scenario. I have personal feelings about all this health and safety but understand the importance of it all.

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203/365 - Sunflowers.

Just a quick shot today of the sunflowers were brought when we moved into our new home 9 days ago and they are still going strong.

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202/365 - The newly weds.

Today’s the day of the Broom Hill wedding. It started at 10.30am with me and 26 guests getting on a 1940’s vintage bus for the trip from Croyde to the venue some 15 miles. Then a few drinks on arrival and into the ceremony, a lovely little intimate affair with the registrar’s letting me have free reign during the service. After that a nice stroll around the sculpture gardens for some shots and nose about. Then came the meal, which was my cue to sit back and relax for a couple of hours and prepare for the journey home via the 1940’s bus again. An amazing day with a few rains showers but not enough to ruin it for them. This did not feel like my normal wedding shoots as it was much more relaxed. Even the willingness of the bride and groom to try something different shocked me. Here they are up against part of “Mike Roles” amazing sculpture display entitled “Welcome to the 3rd Millennium”. I do plan on going back here soon to photograph these some more.

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201/365 - WOW.

Up in Bristol today meeting with wedding clients for an upcoming wedding in October. I had seen the venue on the net before the meeting but seeing it for real blew me away. This is the great hall where they will be married. The rest of the location is equally as stunning.

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200/365 - That's me that is.

In preparation for a wedding on Tuesday I took a visit to the venue – Broom Hill Art Hotel- and had a wonder round trying to scope suitable locations for some shots. Problem I had was not lack of spots to shoot in but too many to choose from. I know I should have paid more attention to the designers name for this piece as he is pretty famous and even designed the Olympic flame thingy for the Beijing Olympics. I had so much fun trying to get my reflection right for this shot.

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199/365 - Wii Damage.

We treated ourselves to a Wii today, yeah, first night and damage already. I managed to break one of our attractive lamp shades that we inherited in our new house during a game of tennis. Oh well, time to change the lampshades I guess. Thankfully the glass didn’t go in my beer.

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Saturday, 18 July 2009

198/365 - Honey I killed a gnome.

Oopps. Not being used to the drive at our house, I backed into and beheaded one of the gnomes that we inherited with the house. This poor chap was happily riding his pig and keeping the gate open until he meet his death by a set of 18 inch rims from my T4 van.. Sorry.

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197/365 - Play date.

Jack has his first play date round this afternoon. Bit of a lame shot I know but I am so shattered from the move that this is th ebest I could muster.
I also had to desaturate the shot so you all didn't see the horrific wall paper we currently have in the house.

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196/365 - Coffee and wifi.

Thanks to Bt and Virgin I am without the internet for some time so relying on the good guys at "At One" Cafe to supply me with lattes and free wifi, cheers Ivan and crew.

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195/365 - Aghhhhhh, Space Pirate?

My boy came back from nursery today sporting his new pirate hat in readyness for Thursdays "Pirate day" at nursery. I know he is my son but he does look cool in that tee shirt!!My Flickr :: My Site :: Facebook

194/365 - Time to celebrate.

We are all moved in so nothing more to do than celebrate with a few beers. Things went pretty well considering the movers were 2 hours late and as they arrived my solicitor was phoning to say all the monies had been transfered and we were good to get the new keys.

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193/365 - It will fit, honest.

The big move begins today. so roped a few mates in to help. Cheers guys.

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Wednesday, 15 July 2009

365 Blog Update due to lack of internet.

Hi all,

Having recently moved house and lack of internet connection for another 10-15 days I will be unable to update my blog posts on a daily basis. I will endevour to use local coffee shops for some free wifi action but until BT and Virgin Media sort it out I shall be without the internet.
Rest assured though I am still taking images on a daily basis, so be prepared for a mass onslaugth of images when I get time and back online.

If anyone wants me please mail me as normal if it is not urgent and I will respond when I can or please feel free to call me - 07725737732.


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Saturday, 11 July 2009

192/365 - How much do I need?

The boy decided that even though he has only learnt to walk properly in the past few months, that he ought to help out with the packing today. We lost the best part of a roll of cellotape with his antics.

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191/365 - Do I have to?

Packed the cat off on holiday today as we begin the final pack this weekend. She looked so dejected but it had to be done and it is only for a few days.

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190/365 - On the way home.....

Driving home from work tonight i hit me that after next week i won't be greeted with this view on the drive home anymore. So it only seemed fit to grab a quick shot whilst the sun was setting over my right shoulder.

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Wednesday, 8 July 2009

189/365 - Who is it?

Bit of a nothing shot today compared to yesterdays but just had to use this one. Sad as it may be but we spotted the google cam thingy taking images of the estate where I work. Not sure whether it was shooting or not as we passed so will just have to wait and see when the images go online.

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Tuesday, 7 July 2009

188/365 - Children of the corn?

With a break in the weather today I managed to sneak out and get a couple of shots of some corn fields near my current house. Considering this was handheld on my 30D as a test shot I am pretty stoked with it. Processed in Lightroom 2.2 only, basic curve, saturation and tone adjustments.

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Monday, 6 July 2009

187/365 - Limited space.

Ok, an apology for the lack of updates these past few days. I have been really busy, not just with work and shoots but also any spare time is spent packing ready to move house a week today. Hence todays shot. My poor studio / conservatory filled to the roof with boxes..
Can't promise I will be that on the case these next few weeks with getting my 365 blog shots up on the day they are taken but rest assured I am still going strong and shooting a shot a day. In fact I can't wait to share with you all some of the very tasteful decorating in our new house next week.

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186/365 - Summer showers.

Thank the maker it is raining today. A nice easy relaxing day. Yeah right. I gotta a whole to pack in 7 days. Grabbed this shot of a rain soaked washing line whilst drinking beer under our garden umberella taking a well deserved break.

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185/365 - Seaside bride

I love wedding photography. Every one is different and there's always something different to try. Today was no exception. Having been blessed with fine weather on my previous weddings this year, todays was a bit iffy. Spells of good sun with heavy downpours, made for some dramtic shots when it was dry but also put mine and my assistants skills to the max when the heavens opened and you have to deal with 120+ guests in a poorly lite hotel room. 13 hours of solid shooting, nearly 2000 images and several red bulls later we made through. Now for the processing of them all. Wish me luck.

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184/365 Mooo you looking at?

The good weather continues and today I took a shot that wasn't my boy. Go me.. Took this whilst on a short cut back from our new house after meeting with the plumber to discuss ways in which he can relieve me of vast sums of cash in return for keeping me warm this winter. Ouch...

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Saturday, 4 July 2009

Facebook mini site. / Free photos.

Embacing the power of social networking I have set up a Facebook mini site, which can be found by clicking the logo above. I am using Facebook to spread the word about my photographic services and in return for you guys becoming fans of my work I am offering some free photoshoots to 5 lucky fans.
When my fan base hits over 250 I will randomly select (unless I get grovelling emails giving very good reasons why I should pick you) 5 lucky fans of my facebook mini site to recieve a free 1 hour photoshoot each up here in North Devon and as an added bonus I'll be giving them 5 12x8 prints from thier session. No catches, no tie breaker question just an honest offer. All I ask in return is that you become fan on my Facebook mini site, then tell all you facebook mates about me and get as many as them to sign up too, oh and let me use the images from our shoot in portfolio.

The photo session are limited to just straight portraits neither, I am always looking for new ideas or projects, so they can be for modelling portfolio, a trash / cherish the dress shoot or even an engagement shoot.

So please follow the link below, become a fan of my work then tell all your mates about my work and you never know you be lucky..

Thursday, 2 July 2009

183/365 - I said NO MORE.....

Not sure who is getting bored of these photo's, you guys because this about the 15th time I have used my son a subject matter or him for having a camera shoved in his face every day. Now he is getting all aggressive with me and treating me like papparazzi. To be honest i thought I was going to get beat with his red one at one point..

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Wednesday, 1 July 2009

182/365 - Laugh, I nearly......

Had some quality time with my boy again this afternoon, spent some time on the floor with him playing cars and stuff, managed to grab the camera to try and get a SP shot of the pair of us, but they all failed, will be revisiting this possible shot sometime again soon to get it nailed. So todays shot is one of my failings. Can you spot what is missing from it? Yes me.... mUst used wider angled lens next time. 50mm at arms length is not wide enough.

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181/365 - Fun in a field!!

A hot day, too hot to be in this evening so a quick trip up the hill behind my house for a few sunset shots. Was hoping the grass to be long so I could do the cheesy laying in a field shot but alas it was still short so some low angle shots are all I got..

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