Started backing up the images from this weekends wedding yesterday only to encounter a corupt memory card. 302 images potentially lost. AGHHHHHHHHHHH..
Panic set in, fear, dread and a lot of anger.
Left it over night and tackled the problem head on today, turns out the the card is fubar but a handy little prog from these guys,
DataRescue, saved the day. It was well worth the $29, as it saved all but 3 images from the very corupt card and from looking at the ones off the card those lost are only chimp shots. Tonight I can rest easy. Seriously though if you have the spare $29 buy it today you may never need it but the one time you do it will pay for itself. Today it saved me, I tried loads of "recovery progs" but not one came a patch on these guy's prog. Simple to use and quick with very impressive result first time. Cheers guys.
Think I might frame this defective card as a timely reminder to be prepared and only use quality cards. (This one wasn't, it was a refurb brought cheap - that will show me)
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