Tuesday, 29 September 2009

270/365 - Must feed.

"After missing out on free food tropper519-fff was getting desperate and was forced to kill for his next meal.."

Despite going back to work today I was just craving another shot or two in this stylee.

Info - 430ex camera right 1/6 power 1/2 blue gel, Sigma 500 1/128 power camera right. Pp in lightroom and cs4

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269/365 - The best camera...

Is the one you have with you.

Hurrah, I finally made it out the house today. Went for a nice walk down on Saunton beach.
This pic was taken on my iphone and, tweaked and uploaded to the Chase Jarvis project for the iphone. If you have an iphone I seriously urge you to go check out the app and the project. Very cool concept.
I have only uploaded two so far but you can check my future uploads here - Matt Fryer @ The best camera

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Saturday, 26 September 2009

268/365 - Going mad in here...............

Still confined to the house, hopefully have enough energy to head out tomorrow. God I hope so as I am really starting to go stir crazy, does it show?? If you wanted a bit of narrative then...
"As punishment for going awol last night trooper519-fff was forced to clean his masters camera gear."

Very similar set up to previous shots just different positions of the lights, flash right slightly closer tonight and flash left is at a shallower angle.

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Friday, 25 September 2009

267/365 - "Are they still awake?"

"Like a thief in the night reggie saw the oppotunity and took it. "
Oh jesus I am now right narrative for my images. I NEED TO GET BETTER.. AGHHHHH.
Serously though another shot using simlar set up to the previous few, I did use a green gel in the original image but in lightroom I decided to removed the green hue and desaturated the whole image to give it a slightly sinister look.

View On Black

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Thursday, 24 September 2009

266/365 - I am so bored.

Ok I am now really bored and it's official. Spent all morning sketching this shot and a good few hours setting it up. Had to make do with what I could get my hands on. See here for set up.
Image ran through lightroom to convert to jpg from RAW, then in CS4 it saw a few tweaks including a canvas size increase and gradient overlay to darken the right handside of the image, spot removal from the dust bunnies and noise reduction.
Considering it takes all my energy to get down and up again off the floor I am pretty pleased with the results.

View On Black :: Set up for shot

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265/365 - Rain drops keep falling on my.....

This is as far as I could muster the energy to go today, my back garden and even that was a struggle. I feel like I have been hit by a truck. It sucks being ill and the NHS are no help either. Because I have flu like symptoms they are saying I have swine flu. Cheers.
I DON'T HAVE SWINE FLU. Just rest up they say. Yeah right I am going out of my mind.........

Incidently I now only have 100 days left of my 365 project...

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Tuesday, 22 September 2009

264/365 - Fat lot of good that was.

Despite yesterdays best efforts I think it was too little too late, feeling rough as today. Also got the boy home with me too, looks like we are paying for the weekend fun. Oh well.

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263/365 - Please work...

I think I am coming down with something. So trying to fight it with a good dose of viamin c and some hot honey and lemon.

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262/365 - Where did it go?

I have had the pleasure of looking after my boy for the whole weekend this week, Abi took a well deserved break off to see her best mate. Had so much fun almost I almost forgot to take todays shot.

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261/365 - Five a day?

Am feeling like I need to go on a bit of a health kick at present. Also got my Lastolite softbox for my flash gun today so thought it was a good oportunity to test it out. Only had a few minutes to play so far but loving it.

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Friday, 18 September 2009

260/365 - Morning World.

Out and about my travels this monring, I stumbled across this little scene. Taken on the old road to Exeter near Chittlehamholt.

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259/365 - Ouch.

Done my little bit by giving a pint of my finest claret. Normally I hate seeing the needle in my arm but in the name of my blog I took the shot. Still winch a bit now looking back at it.
Taken on iphone, no tweaks it is SOOC.

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Wednesday, 16 September 2009

258/365 - Smile please.

After yesterdays litttle outbursts from my boy you wouldn't think any think was wrong with him. Today he was more than happy to sit and pose for his Dad as he tries out a few new methods.

Over exposed by 1/3 stop :: f/4 :: 1/125 :: Flash 1/8 power bounced off ceiling.
Processed in lightroom then run through CS4 for skin smoothing work.

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257/365 - A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down........

My little man is having terrible pains from teething this week, it hurts me to see him in pain and just wailing for no real reason. To help him sleep we broke out the calpol, seems to be working for him.

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Monday, 14 September 2009

256/365 - I've been flashing in the reeds again!

Had the urge to go play tonight, so went down on the fringe of the great field, the light was fading fast so got out the flash gun and just messed about. Pretty pleased with the results, maybe next time I will look for a more suitable subject matter to shoot.

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255/365 - Faster daddy

After yesterdays mamoth day I spent some quality time with my boy. Abi had gone off to visit a friend so Jack and I went out on the Tarka trail, thiswas his first propoer outing in his new bike seat and he loved it, chittering away as he saw cows, duck, sheep etc etc.

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254/365 - Pretty shoes

Had the pleasure of shooting a very lovely wedding in Wales, just outside Cardiff. It was a long old day for me as I drove there and back in the same day. But it was worth it, the weather was amazing, if somewhat harsh at times but lovely. Congratulations Terry and Emma. Took this shot with the shoes resting on a white window ledge in front of a huge window, over exposed by 1/3rd and greyscale converted in Lightroom.

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253/365 - Oh, ah pretty cloud.

Coming up out of Tarr Steps area today I noticed this bizarre cloud formation. Just had to stop and capture it. As ever processed in lightroom to give it that extra punch.

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Thursday, 10 September 2009

252/365 - Oh me groyne.

Normal service has resumed. This was taken down in Lynmouth today. Did get a little close on a few attempts and ended up with a wet ass a couple of times. But I think it was worth it.

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251/365 - Happy birthday to me....

Happy birthday to me. 26 again. yeah right. Todays shot is the outcome of yesterdays shot. I made me own birthday cake. Coffee and wlanut and it was lovely. The shot was taken after a few ales so was taken thinking it was level, but it obviosuly wasn't wasn't, oh well.

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250/365 - Lame cake shot.

A really lame shot today. Sorry. But although it wasn't with a camera I did create the subject of this shot and it tastes a whole lot better than it looks. What is for. Well read tomorrows entry.

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Tuesday, 8 September 2009

249/365 - Product shoot.

Been doing some test shots for a local fire protection company. They want their prodcuts to look sexy but suitable for ecommerce. Hopefully I am on the right track and they will approve my direction of thought on these shots. Fingers crossed.

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248/365 - Oh food.

Took some friends down to the wetlands today to feed the birds. Had another great time there, this time though I managed to coax a swan into taking bread from the low ledge. Well pleased with this shot.

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Sunday, 6 September 2009

247/365 - One for you and one for me.

Everyday our boy seems to be more indepented and the transition from baby to toddler seems to have just happened overnight. He now has the job of feeding the rabbit and guinea pigs the frsh stuff. But he has to sit down on the floor to do the job and sort through which animal has what. Ah bless him.

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246/365 - Beer O'clock.

PUB. Simple.
Apologies to Lou for getting your husband so drunk he was ill most of Saturday. Opps.

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245/365 - Blue skies and stormy seas.

It's hard to believe that it is september already. Took this looking north from Westward Ho! out towards Croyde and Saunton. The skies looked lovely but the sea was ruff as chuff.

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Thursday, 3 September 2009

244/365 - Grilled.

In between processing wedding images, designing albums, working on promo material (Wedding photography competition) for a feature in the local papers bridal supplment, I was looking through some product stuff I got sent to shoot. It's all fire grills, door strips etc etc. Not sure whether is the workload or fact I have gone a bit bonkers this week, but decided to break out the flash gun and coloured gels.
Think it look kinda funky to be honest. I must be tired.

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243/365 - Sumflowers?

Not really what to put about this one today, it could one of two things. Either here's a shot of some sun flowers I got yesterday whilst shopping.
Is this a metaphore for the last glimpses of summer.

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