Sunday, 20 December 2009

My 365 project and other ramblings.

I am now into the final few days of my year long 365 project, it has been tough at times but ultimatley it has pushed me to take better shots. I think carrying it on into 2010 would be unwise due to a heavy work load for this coming year plus I have the fear of repeating content and boring the hell out of you all. So for 2010 I am doing a 52 project. I will publish one image each week for the entire year of 2010, but each month will be themed. Janurary is already sorted but I am looking for suggestions for the remain 11 months of 2010. Anything goes.

Looking ahead to next year my wedding season starts in early Feb and is looking to be a busy one with some very exciting weddings coming up. I will share as many of them with you as possible. Hopefully in Janurary, if it all comes off, I have some exciting photoshoots lined up with a variety of models and clients. As for the rest of the year we shall see what happens, but if you would like to book my services, for your wedding, a portrait sitting or just some commercial work, then just drop me a line.


352/365 - A light dusting.

Oh some snow. Not much but a dusting. Here's hoping for a serious dumping around Christmas day, a true white christmas would be just the ticket.

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351/365 - How much noise?

Ouch my ears are bleeding.
Tomas has a touch of colic.
Nice boken though!

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350/365 - Saunton Sunset.

On my drive home I stopped to check the surf at Saunton, just happened to be there at the right time to capture the sunsetting over Hartland point. No matter how many times I see it, it still amazes me. Even better on a cold crisp day like today the view is so much clearer.

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349/365 - Ummm. Cakes.

It's one of the last few days at nursery for this year for Jackson tomorrow so the traditional party food and games is on the menu. thought I would send him with some cakes I loving made. What's better than someone else having your kids, fueled with e-number and sugar for the day. Good luck guys...

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348/365 - Let sleeping babies rest.

Well it has been 6 days since I last posted a shot of our Tomas, so here's one of him sleeping peacefully in his mothers arms, whilst she slept (Daren't post the full shot, I would be homeless before the weekend.)

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347/365 - I am no picasso.

Not only have we just had a baby, had new central heating, the builders knock a wall down and have double glazing fitted int he past few weeks, i thought it would be about time to do some decorating. Just putting the finishing touches to Jacksons new room. Dinosaur inspired don't you know.

Another ihone shot tweaked using the Chase Jarvis "Best Camera" app

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346/365 - Finished.

The final product proudly in place on the tree.

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345/365 - Almost ready.

The painted results of yesterdays make and do sessions.
Yes there are dinosaurs in there. Jackson was insistant we have dinosaur shapes too.

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344/365 - This could get messy.

The festive fun starts today, our oversized tree is almost ready to go up we just need to gather all the decorations up. So in preparation for it's erection, Jackson and his wonderful Mum are making salt dough decks. Would that have anything to do with a certain homemade home programe we saw last night? Who knows, but the boy certainly loved it.

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343/365 - Shell on a rock

Back down the beach again today, not film camera this time just my 30d again. Totally set this shot up. Took a while to find a decent shell though, but worth it.

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342/365 - Look at my muscles!

Jackson, our eldest went back to nursery today but I was still on paternity leave so after dropping him off I took a trip to the beach, took my 30d and Tokina 12-24mm f/4 for some wide angle fun but also took my Canon A1 with a roll of Ilford HP5 400iso film and my 28mm lens. HAd great fun and took a lot of similar shots so it will be interesting to see the contrasting images. Just need to get the roll developed know.
Anyone know of a decent place that still develops dedicated black and white film?

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341/365 - Grandad meet Tomas.

Took Tomas around to see his great grandparents today. Amazing to see 4 generations of our family all together.
Taken on my Iphone

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340/365 - Is that your best side?

I offered to help out my web designer today with a few product shots for a site he is designing. Boring product shots are not blog worthy material but a candid of G looking a bit camp and portly is though. Sorry mate.

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Sunday, 6 December 2009

339/365 - eni meeni mini mo

Ah the choices in life. Found out our local off licence has a huge range of different beers. How cool. I personally like the "Dixie" but very partial to the modelo too.

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338/365 - Sooooo Bored.....

See told you I would take a picture of something other than Tomas. Today saw me sitting in possibly one of the most boringest places in the world. Our local laundrette. Waiting for my washing to dry, and i paid for the priveledge... 20p for 3 mins. Daylight robbery.
Taken on my iphone.

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337/365 - Smile son.

Ok ok, it's another shot of my boy, I know but he's just amazing and currently my world. Along with my eldest and my wonderful wife. Promise to not to take any more of him for the blog for a few days. Honest.

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336/365 - My boys.

I am so tired, i think 44 hours without sleep has finally caught up on me. This is just a quick random the pair of them on the bed together today. promise to make an effort once I have had some sleep.

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335/365 - Now you don't...

Well it's official, I am bonkers. The wall came down and the work is done. Well almost, just left for me to decorate now. But the result is amazing. Makes the room feel massive.

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334/365 - Tomas Fryer, welcome to the world.

This morning at 5.46am Tomas James Fryer was born weighing a very healthy 7lb 9oz's and within minutes of entering this world I have my 30d with nifty fifty in his face. I am over the moon and very emotional too.
I just want to say a huge thanks to all the staff at Barnstaple Lady well ward and associated midwifes etc etc. You were all amazing. Especially Anita, Jane, Lorraine and Maria. Thank you all so much.

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333/365 - Now you see it...

We must be mad, days away from our second child and I have the builders coming tomorrow to knock this wall down. Mad or stupid, not sure yet. But whatever I know it will make a huge difference to the feel of the room.

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332/365 - Meet Jacob

This is some good friends of ours new baby boy. Despite my wife being 9 months pregnant and on the verge of dropping we all went over to their house and I set up a mini studio shoot for several of our friends children, just in time for Christmas!! Ain't I good to my friends.

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331/365 - One of your five a day?

Another supposedly tried and tested method to bring on child birth. The humble pineapple. We shall see.

Single speedlight in gridded beauty dish shoot from directly above.

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330/365 - Nice view!!

Work to the house is progressing nicely. Today saw the finish of the new double glazing being put in. These are our new french doors leadsing out onto the garden. Just used to be a low window till the Launa man took an angle grinder to the wall.

Blog Updates.

Hey everyone don't panic I haven't stopped updating my blog, it's just that a small person has entered the world and I am taking a few days break from it all. Am still taking my images and am hoping to be able to update the blog to date sometime this coming week.
