Monday, 29 March 2010

Blog and site updates.

I know I have been a little quiet recently on blog updates, but hopefully posting should return to a normal pace again. It has been a mental few weeks of wedding album design, meeting with clients and general day to day business running stuff. But I seem to be over the worst of it now, so I can turn my attention to a new website design with plenty of extra content and look forward to what is shaping up to be a very busy 2010 wedding season for me, with literally one or two dates left this year, and I am all ready taking bookings for 2011 and 2012. Hopefully I won't have to increase my prices for next year but book now and I will honour this years prices next year or the year after!
Looking ahead to my new site design, I shall be adding plenty of links to wedding related suppliers in the North Devon area, so if you are such a person / business and would like to be included, then please drop me a line (My email can be found on my mail site or over to your right →), areas I will looking to forge links with are venues, entertainment, catering, suit and dress suppliers, cars etc etc. Also in the new site design this blog will be moving to my main site and there will be an updated client and general gallery system too. All exciting stuff. Thanks to Gareth at Dogleg Design ( for doing the work for me.
Oh and one final thing don't forget my 52 project is still going strong. Not sure on what the next months theme will be yet but I have a few things on my mind for it.


13/52 - Oh this is fun.

I set aside some Daddy and Tomas time tonight in order to get a few quality shots of my boy, not just for my 52 project but also for his year book. So laid down in his cot surrounded by all his "friends", I held his attention with a musical mobile and winnie the poo musically thingy. Found it hard to maintain eye contact with the camera, he was more interested in the mobile. But this shot is close enough. Just love how his hands are clasped, just like his mothers.
Again, not to be out done by his younger brother, JAckson insisted on having his photo taken, even though it was bath time. Nothing more than simple adjustments were done on this shot.

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12/52 - Finally.

A bit late in uploading I know but it's been a mental few weeks since my holiday. Wedding albums, client meetings and office organisation. So little time to shoot images, which is very annoying. So grabbed a few minutes the other morning before heading out to get my weekely shot 52 project shot. Still continuing the theme of my youngest this month.
Captured this one whilst he was rolling on his play mat.

Not to be out done by his younger brother Jackson demanded he have his picture taken, but refused to stop eating though. So here he is with a mouth full of biscuit. Lovely.

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Tuesday, 16 March 2010

11/52 - Let sleeping babies....

...or is the say let sleeping dogs. i can never remember. Anyway this weeks shot is actually of my youngest, Tomas, but in true Fryer fashion when it came to his big moment in front of a couple of speedlites with stu's to be fired by Cactus v4's, he decided to fall asleep and sleep for sometime.
So still my iphone hipstamtic phase at present rather than blind the poor lad with strobe he got shot with my iphone and processed my current favourite app. I promise to ween myself off of it sometime soon, but I just love the simplicity of it. Not just the app which is great for the money but also shoot with a iphone. One button and not complicated. It kinda feels like the old days of Polaroid for me. Just point and shoot and you will never really know what will come out until it develops.

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Tuesday, 9 March 2010

10/52 - Tomas

Was supposed to be some super portrait shot of my youngest this week but he isn't really up for photos. A bit camera shy. So a candid of him asleep in his bugaboo will be this weeks 52 project shot.
This was taken using my iphone and my current favourite app - Hipstamatic.
John S Lens, Ina's 1969 film.

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Monday, 8 March 2010

Bridal magazine cover image.

Found out last month that this image is going to be the cover shot on the next local bridal magazine. Stoked doesn;t describe the feeling.

The shot in print.

My advert inside the front cover. even more stoked.

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Wednesday, 3 March 2010

9/52 - In from the cold.

A poor shot for this weeks image, I know but ill children, mountains of photography work and poorly van ahve all kept me from getting that one shot. So todays shot is a very candid grab as the boy came in from "helping" in the garden.
Shot on my 40d with nifty fifty ens and 580exII speedlight bounced off the wall behind. The shot is a flat and boring so processed it a lot in lightroom to try and disguise our hideous wallpaper.

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