Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Mike and Louise :: July 2009

Starting off at Ilfracombe Parish church and then onto my favourite venue of the Woolacombe Bay Hotel, this July wedding throw it's best and worst at me, a great fun couple made the day so much better but heavy rain mid way through the formal's saw us resort to using a corner of the bar to finish off getting those few missed shots, it just goes to show why the Bay Hotel is one of the top locations in North devon, in my opinion, it is just so versatile. Although this wedding was my one and only wet wedding of 2009 we still managed to get out at sunset onto Woolacombe beach for a few shots and trash the brides dress with sand and some scissors! I kid you not. It was such a great day and I wish Mike and Lousie all the happiness for the future.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

16/52 - Wedding shoes.

Well this month's theme seems to have landed on weddings, which ironically is what I am shooting a lot of this year. So what better than another wedding realted shot. This time taken on Woolacombe Beach as the sun was setting. Can't show you any from the wedding just yet as the bride and groom haven't seen them But you all will in due course.
I got down real low for this shot to give that slightly different perspective on my shots as ever.
On a side note I took this on my new 7D which before had started to play up but shortly after this shot it died completely. Not bad to be able to kill a new camera in 48 hours!

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15/52 - Happy Anniversary darling x

10 years on the 8th of April I said "I do" to my beautiful and supportive wife. On that day our passion flower was in full bloom and so too was the cherry tree where we got married. Today was the first time in 10 years I have seen the cherry tree's blossom at this time of the year. Must a sign.
Taken on my iphone using the hipstamatic app.

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14/52 - Pre wedding recon.

I have a wedding in June at the stunning location of Tapely Park, Bideford. I meet with the couple in the grounds today to go through the final details of their day. After the meeting I stayed for a while to scope out lighting, angles etc etc.
This is where they are getting married so played with lighting set ups. Two speedlight 580 exii's just above each side pillar point to the ceiling and stofe'd, 1/4 power 24mm zoom triggered by cactus v4's. Hopefully that should give enough lighting to balance out the ambeint and flash on the day.

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