Friday, 2 July 2010

Samsung NX10 testing

First outing today with Samsung NX10 test camera. Just messing around to get a feel for it before real testing and article writing for Pro Photo Mag starts. Early impressions are good. Loving the 30mm f/2 pancake lens it's a sweet little toy.
Won't say too much about it otherwise it will ruin my report and it has only been one outing to test it with. Will be getting out and about more over the coming weeks testing it in all situation but primarily at weddings, not as a main camera but as a second camera for candid shots when the sight of a full size DSLR puts a lot of people off and shots are often missed as they shy away from the main camera pointed in there direction.
The NX10 is from the new generation of hybrid cameras. Small as a compact camera but with interchangeable lenses, full control on image capture like a DSLR, similar sized 14.6mp sensor but all in a handy small lightweight rugid body.

Samsung NX10 review on DP review site.

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