Wednesday, 18 February 2009

49/365 - Not more....

Since getting the Polaroid camera at the weekend my passion for old skool film cameras was awakened, after a few minutes on everyone's favourite auction site and a total spend of just over £5, I now own another two cameras. The first is a Halina 35mm circa 1950's and the other is a Ilford Sportsman 35mm in leather case. So not the Kodak brownie pictured above but both units are very dirty and in need a serious clean, so dragged one of my other oldies off the top shelf and put me light tent to good use.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha brilliant - old cameras are brilliant aren't they :)

    i have some recent shots using the 1958 Kodak Brownie Cresta that i need to scan and post on my main blog :)

    Also got an ilford sportsman which is a great wee camera, a few Canon SLR's and currently considering either another Canon D-SLR or a Hasselblad 500C, a Rolleiflex or a 5x4 Field camera lol :)

    i'm thinking the 5x4 is the best bet for me at the moment, being back at college has me really wanting to do more with it.
