Monday, 29 June 2009

180/365 - Cover me I'm going in.

As our moving day looms closer I am having to enter parts fo the house that have been left untouched for a long time. Attempted to pack the undersatirs cupboard tonight, but got sidetracked playing with flash triggers, gels and photoshop.. Oops.

Red flame gel over 1/4 power flash, manual exposure under by one stop, highlight and shadow tint added in lightroom with texture overlay added in PS.

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Sunday, 28 June 2009

179/365 - I have a booking...

Had a lovely lazy day today, late up, packed a few boxes, then an amazing sunday roast at our local pub with my parents, along with a couple of pints. Then home for sunday siesta and maybe a movie tonight. What a way to spend a sunday.

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178/365 - How big....

Went over to my parents today whilst on route to see some wedding clients, was intending to use a couple of test shots from that meeting as todays blog shot but ending up using this one.
My Dad has had an old wooden shed at the bottom of his garden for years that has been falling down, nearing retirment he thought it best to get one built. Wasn't expecting it to be this big!! It is massive.

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Saturday, 27 June 2009

You can now follow me..

Technology is great and I am embracing it.

So if you are interested you can not only see my daily images right here on my 365 Blog but you can also follow me on facebook and twitter and catch up with all my latest shoots, site news and general goings on.

(Just click the logo's to see my pages)

177/365 - In memory of Lee.

In memory of Lee Markham. Firefighter, friend and fellow VW nut. Rest in peace mate keep the wheels turning.
Today was Lee's funeral. A beautiful service followed by an escort of fire engines from the church to the crematorium. A fitting tribute for a fellow firefighter.

This is how I will always remeber Lee, ever the joker, always smiling and doing what he loves best. Rest in peace mate.

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Friday, 26 June 2009

176/365 - No Son.

Yes I know another day and another shot of my boy but he is providing so much entertainment lately, it's hard not to photograph him. Today he is trying to stuff as many crunchy carrot sticks in his mouth as he can. It got very messy.
Promise I will shot something different tomorrow. Honest.

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Wednesday, 24 June 2009

175/365 - Oh Daddy...

Abi is stuck at work late this week with the Ofsted inspectors. Ughhhhhhhh. So it has been entrusted to me to feed our boy.. Easy.. Tonights delight was beans on toast, not the most exciting meal I could make but he likes it and I was certain he would eat it all, well eat and wear it all.

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174/365 - Yeah baby....

Over 9 years ago we moved into this house and yesterday the Sold board was put up as we have exchanged contracts. Our moving date is a a couple of weeks but the deal is done, in a way I am sad to leave this house as it has been so good to us but on the other hand we are moving to a much bigger house where I may possibly be able to have a dedicated area I can call an office. Now the serious business of packing begins.

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Tuesday, 23 June 2009

173/365 - Hello son.

Thought that seeing as I have hardly been home this weekend and missed my little man it was only fitting to have todays picture as him, was going for a mono conversion on this image but hit the wrong preset in lightroom, liked what it did so kept it. everything is now backed up from the weekend and the shot count is tipping over 2000 images. It's going to be a fun week porcessing them all.

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172/365 - Ready, steady, oh sh................

Another event on this mamoth 3 day event I have been covering is the legacy ironman event. Some very, crazy very fit people swimming, running and paddling all in the name of a competiton. I do take my hat of to those guys though, very tough conditions.. This shot was supposed to be a posed start line image for the local papers etc etc, but they forgot I was knee deep out in the water and blew the start whistle, I just shut my eye's and kept shooting.

Here's a few more from the day, until I get my Goldcoast Flickr stream sorted..

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171/365 - Shooting stars.

Was asked to help cover our local surf and music event this weekend, 9000 people came to see this guy, Mr Jason Mraz and I had a media pass that gave me pretty free access to the whole event. How cool....

Loads of other shots of the event are slowly being added to my flickr stream. Got about 2000 to sort through. But a few others in the meantime.

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Monday, 22 June 2009

170/365 - Pulling pints.

The weekend begins. Been asked to cover our local Music and surf event as a photographer and help out behind the bar for a couple of shifts. It's going to be a mad weekend. But bring it on...

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169/365 - Running on empty or...

Is this a metaphore for my current state of mind, where I am empty of ideas, running hot and cold and going nowhere or just that I am lazy today and took it because I ran out of time today? Your choice....

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Wednesday, 17 June 2009

168/365 - Rest in peace Lee.

Today is a sad day, a friend, a colleague and fellow vw nut lost his brave couragous battle against the crule disease that is cancer. Lee you may be gone but you will never be forgotten mate. Thank you for all you did for me, I will never be able to return those favours but at every vw show and with every jack and coke your memories will live on. I want to say more but am struggling. Sorry.
May you now rest peacefully.

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Tuesday, 16 June 2009

167/365 - Delicious.

It is not often I wax lyrical about food or food that we have cooked but tonights chicken was amazing. My darling talented wife saw the recipe in a cook book and made it perfectly. Chicken fillets in a crispy lemony garlicy coating.. Very nice.... Wasn't allowed to photograph the final item so here's work in progress.

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Monday, 15 June 2009

166/365 - Smile please.

Had a great but exhausting shoot down in Croyde this afternoon, 4 kids under 4. Hard work, yes, enjoyment level, high. I love jobs like this, I get to play around and have fun whilst doing my job of taking photos. Just the horrid part now, processing all of them. Took over 1000 in an hour session, hopefully narrow it down to under 400.
Had to use this one today as this one was the star of the show, whilst the rest of the kids shied away from the camera, she was willing to pose eveytime, even steal centre stage on the group shots.

Don't forget you can book me for your family portrait session, wedding or whatever. Reasonable rates for those who haggle and barter!

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Roadtrip update.

I have now finished processing all the images from yesterdays little road trip snap shot and they can be found here:-
The Way Home

Sunday, 14 June 2009

165/365 - Bridge over something waters.

Have been travelling into Wales for some years now and everytime I do I always look at the bridge and wish I took take pictures of it. The wife offered to drive home today so took the oportunity to snap away. Took this as we travelled at 70 mph with me holding the camera out the window. Currently processing a batch of images I took on the journey home to form a mini travel documentary. So keep an eye out for that in the next few days.

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164/365 - Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time.

Out and about here in Cardiff, such a lovely day we decided to let the boy run free in the park.
Here he is wondering around under the watchful of his mum, aunty and uncle. Whilst I am more interested in getting a good shot. Typical snap happy dad.!!

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163/365 - You gotta roll with it...

Currently here in Cardiff for the weekend with Beth and James, didn't realise Oasis were playing at the stadium across the road from there flat this weekend, took an age to get to Cardiff, but witht he windows open int he lfat we heard most of the concert. Sounded pretty good. This is the view from the lounge window as the concert kicked out. The road that goes off into Cardiff city Centre was rammed with people, hence the queing cars. Pretty amazing sight to witness.

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Thursday, 11 June 2009

162/365 - Which colour?

Am home today looking after my boy, who doesn't have chicken pox as first thought but a nasty virus called hand, foot and mouth. Similar symptoms but spots are confined to his hands, feet and mouth. Not a ahppy bunny. Here he is insisting on writing in his uncles birthday card.
Happy Birthday Cammy.

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161/365 - Ummmm. Tasty.

Had a product shoot today for a company I have done work for before - - This time the are expanding their range by adding fresh bread, cream and nice things. It was soo tempted to eat the products as I shot but I resisted.

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Tuesday, 9 June 2009

160/365 - It's an illness, two words, first word........

Was happily minding my business at home today processing a truck load of images when the mobile rang. It was nursery, could I come pick my boy up as he is not well. Poor little mite. Will be heading out tomorrow if they break out proper and it's not just a rash for plenty of Calamine lotion.
Rather than post a picture of his spotty feet I thought I would go for flickr charades.

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159/365 - Boxes everywhere......

Got the week off from work this week, not gone anywhere exotic. Am spending my week clearing the house and packing stuff up. Almost theraputic to be honest.

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Monday, 8 June 2009

158/365 - Jack in a box Part II

We started the task of packing for the move this weekend, hence no updates till Monday morning. What a mamoth task this is going to be. As ever our wonderful son is his usual helpful self, thought it would be a great game to hide in the boxes. Well it kept him entertained for a few hours.

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157/365 - Hello Ella

Went to down to see some friends today who recent added another to their family. This is Ella Rose, approx 2 weeks old and more than happy to sleep whilst having her photo taken.

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156/365 - In the dog house or?

Brought some flowers for my wife today, was it for being an arse or just to say I love her. Not telling which, let you decide.

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Friday, 5 June 2009

155/365 - For Lee.

Had some bad news about a friend and ex work buddy of mine tonight. So only right thing to do was to raise a glass for him. Thinking of you mate and the family, and keep up the fight.

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Wednesday, 3 June 2009

154/365 - South West Sunset.

There has been a little more cloud around in the sky today so knew it was going to be a good sunset. Headed down to Croyde and fired off about 40 shots.

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Tuesday, 2 June 2009

153/365 - Beer and a bbq.

Well the sun continues to shine, so the bbq's continue to happen. Felt the need for a nice cold glass of beer tonight. Didn't get to enjoy it as I got called out on a fire shout shortly after taking this shot. Got home about 2 hours later to cold food and warm beer. Not happy.

Monday, 1 June 2009

152/365 - Cherish or trash?

The happy couple asked me to take some shots at our local beach tonight, which is a special place for them. Was pretty stoked to be asked and honoured. Had a wicked shoot, with it almost turning into a trash the dress shoot. But not quite, the bride only waded out to her knees. Once again guys congratulations.

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151/365 - Sunset stroll.

After the hectic weekend I just needed to get out and take a stroll. Took myself and my camera down to Saunton at sunset. This is the result. What a way to end a perfect weekend.

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