Tuesday, 9 June 2009

160/365 - It's an illness, two words, first word........

Was happily minding my business at home today processing a truck load of images when the mobile rang. It was nursery, could I come pick my boy up as he is not well. Poor little mite. Will be heading out tomorrow if they break out proper and it's not just a rash for plenty of Calamine lotion.
Rather than post a picture of his spotty feet I thought I would go for flickr charades.

My Flickr :: My Site


  1. I hope he feels better soon, my daughter was a nightmare when she had them.
    Dave Gibbeson

  2. Cheers mate, turns out it wasn't Chicken pox but something called Hand, Foot and Mouth. Never heard of it before myself. Similar symptoms but confined to the hands, feet and his mouth. Nasty little blister like spots. Poor bugger.
