If you are reading this then thank you for taking the time to read my blog and follow the progress of my 365 project. It is nearly at the end and I am a little sad that it will finish. So next year I am down sizing a little and turning my 365 into a 52. The following year it will be a 12 and then possible a 4 or maybe back up to a 52, who knows, but I will be keeping this going as long as possible.
Next weeks updates are going to be limited, due to limited net access. Sorry. Will update as and when possible.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
301/365 - I am in so much trouble.
I am in serious trouble for using this shot today but I just had to share this moment in our life with you all. Was happily working away on wedding images tonight only to turn around and see my wonderful wife using our unborn child as a cereal bowl rest. Should I call child support or??
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300/365 - Mummy. MUMMY. What's she doing?
299/365 - Nice parking.
298/365 - How small. But cute though.
The birth of our second child is getting ever closer, so the wife thought it best to get some clothes out for it. Just couldn't believe that our boy used to swamped by this. Scary how time flies. Today also saw Jack having his first proper hair cut at a barbers. Cheers James.
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Sunday, 25 October 2009
297/365 - I love this loser.
Meet my mate Ruth. She's a star and an inspiration. 16 months ago she was a size 32, weighing an undisclosed amount, but she was a big girl, trust me. Today she is now a svelte like size 16! She has lost 9st 2lb! and is still losing weight. Ruth has not only lost all this weight but she has also undertaken an Olympic distance London triathlon and got the medal to prove it. Oh get her. If I ever needed any inspiration to get off my ass and do something Ruth is it. Well done.
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296/365 - WIndy walk on the beach.
295/365 - Seedy cases.
I have been looking into different suppliers for next wedding season recently. One of the areas I want to improve upon is my presentation of disc to clients. There are loads of companies offering all manner of styles. But really liked this type of case, and the bonus is they are manufactured about 30 mins from me, so I was able to pop in, speak to the sales team and collect my first batch.
Very pleased with the final result. Well worth the few extra quid spent.
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294/365 - Bizarre handshake or..
Have been toying with the idea of joining a proper photographic society. This week I took the plunge and become a full member of the SWPP. Slowly all my membership gumph has been arriving in the post.
Just need to get my portfolio sorted now to obatain my "L" qualification. Check out the SWPP site for more info if you want to know more.
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293/365 - Um pastries....
Had a couple of good ideas lined up for tonights shot, but after a quick trip to Tesco's to collect some milk my good wife presented me with these beauts. Only thing better than these two was the price. . Mega bargain and who says women can't spot a deal when they see one..
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Wednesday, 21 October 2009
292/365 - Milk and Cookies?
This shot was taken for a photo comp I am entering. The comp is titled Black and White. So rather than the clched black and white portrait or piano keys etc etf I went with Oreo cookies and a glass of milk.
Set up my infinity wall and fired my Canon 430ex @1/16 power directly down on top of it, my Canon 580 EXII was set at 1/64 power and fired direct from the front at it. Both guns fired using cactus v4's. Either side of the glass was a sheet of black card to bring out edge definition. Processed in lightroom and CS4
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291/365 - Nearly forgot.
Will be honest now and say I nearly forgot about todays shot. I am currently processing images from 3 recent weddings and have 2 more wedding albums design so working like a beaver to get it all done before our second child arrives. I must get some proper shots of my pregnant wife soon.
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Sunday, 18 October 2009
290/365 - Are you serious?
Stopped off at Tesco's on the way home from Wales. Wandering down the baby section picking up some stuff for our boy I spotted this.
Seriously Tesco's it's a bit late for those if you are in that isle? Also I don't want to be explaining to my boy in a few years time what they are.
Get it sorted.
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289/365 - Welsh Wedding.
Today saw me shooting a lovely wedding just on the outskirts of Cardiff. Spent most of the year fretting that this would be the wedding that pushed my skills to the max as regards to poor weather but infact it was the opposite. What a beautiful day. Scott and Beth I wish you all the very best for the future. Congratulations guys.
Oh, got to ride up front int he wedding car as we took a trip from the ceremony out and around Cearphilly for 30 mins, stopping off near the castle grounds for some shots. I love my job.
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288/365 - That's my boy.
287/365 - Inflight.
Being stuck in today editing albums and images I just had to break out. So grabbed he camera and my bike and headed down to the wetlands again to try my hand at a spot of wildlife photography. Got bored so snapped seaguls in flight, the processed the hell out of it in lightroom.
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286/365 - Board meeting?
Have been stuck in most of the week so far editing wedding albums and wedding images, so a quick check of the charts first thing and I was off out for a board meeting. A lovely 2-3ft swell at Saunton. Perfect way to start the day.
This image was taken on my iphone, then edited using Chase Jarvis's best camera iphone app.
285/365 - Say bread
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
284/365 - Pondering the moment.
283/365 - Second weekend wedding.
So 36 hours, 300+ miles, 3000 images, 2 weddings and salmon for lunch twice in a weekend is pretty much a snap shot of my weekend. After yesterdays wedding it was back home in the small hours to back up the images, recharge the batteries and get some sleep myself ready for another wedding today.
Today I had the pleasure of shooting Simon and Hayleys intimate wedding at Croyde Baptist church. The ceremony was in the main service, very relax and very informal but none the less special. A real fun wedding.
Having now abused my 580exII over two weddings i can honestly say it blows me away. My old Sigma was good but this flash just rocks. This shot was exposed for the sky and I used the flash to fill in. Bang, is all I saw int he view finder. Just love the way the coupple pop out of the image. Lovin it.
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282/365 - I do.
Had the pleasure of shooting a lovely wedding up in Bristol today at the amazing setting of Leigh Court. What a day,an amazing couple, both profoundly deaf, but the body language between them spoke a thousand voices.
As with every wedding I do I am always looking for a differnt angle to shoot from and this venue provided me a fair few opportunities. Took this of the service high above the guestleaning over a balcony with my camera on my m monopod pushed out just that bit further.
Guys I wish all the very best for the future.
I loved the day so much that today i am posting two images for my daily blog.
Bridal portrait of Amy before the ceremony.
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281/365 - How?
Had plans for a nice landscape shot around hartland today but whilst down at the quay I spottted the remains of a car resting at the base of the cliffs. Got home and googled it to see if it had been int he news. Yes it had.
Car over 200ft cliff
How is all I can say.
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280/365 - You have a lot to learn my son.
My boy learnt one of life's valuable lessons today. Never mess with a woman. He took a toy off his friend at nursery today and came off worse. Maisie wasn't impressed that Jack stole her toy so she pushed him over and he ended up with nasty war wound over his right eye. He will learn.
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Thursday, 8 October 2009
279/365 - Competition Time.
Pretty stoked today to see my work in print. I have a full page spread in our local bridal supplement plus various other images dotted around the magazine.
As a way of giving something back I am offering a wedding photography competition prize worth £1195. It's simple to enter just grab a copy of this weeks North Devon Gazette, turn to page 19 of the bridal supplement and fill out the form. Even if your not getting married fill it out for some one you know who is. I'm pretty sure you can get extra copies of the bridal supplement direct from the good people at the Gazette if need be - www.northdevongazette.co.uk
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278/365 - Does my bum look big in this?
277/365 - Back to reality again.
276/365 - You can't catch me.
275/365 - Uh oh.
Friday, 2 October 2009
274/365 - New Toys.
It has been a week of new toys arriving, but today I got the most excited when Mr Postamn delivered this puppy. Have upgraded my trusty Sigma 500 DG Super to a Speedlite 580exii, only had a bout 20 mins play with it and already i can see the benefits. This flash unit rocks. Period.
Other toys to turn up this week inlcude some Cactus v4 flash trggers, Eneloop batteries for my flash guns and a some new memory cards.
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273/365 - Halt or I'll.......
Last one from this eries for a while Will be exploring different lighting techniques from now on, can't promise that the subject matter will be any more normal. But you never know I may get a real life model to sit patiently for me. Any volunteers?
Canon 430ez camera left and high 1/32 power, sigma 500 camera front below 1/128 power.
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271/365 - Three in a row.
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