Tuesday, 13 October 2009

283/365 - Second weekend wedding.

So 36 hours, 300+ miles, 3000 images, 2 weddings and salmon for lunch twice in a weekend is pretty much a snap shot of my weekend. After yesterdays wedding it was back home in the small hours to back up the images, recharge the batteries and get some sleep myself ready for another wedding today.
Today I had the pleasure of shooting Simon and Hayleys intimate wedding at Croyde Baptist church. The ceremony was in the main service, very relax and very informal but none the less special. A real fun wedding.

Having now abused my 580exII over two weddings i can honestly say it blows me away. My old Sigma was good but this flash just rocks. This shot was exposed for the sky and I used the flash to fill in. Bang, is all I saw int he view finder. Just love the way the coupple pop out of the image. Lovin it.

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