Saturday, 28 November 2009

329/365 - Thank you and good night.

I first joined the fire service back in March 1993 and after 16 years service I have made the agonising decision to call it a day. 11.59pm on Jan 2nd 2010 will be my last time on call. It has been a hard choice to make as I have loved every minute of my time in the service but with another addition to my family and my photography work taking off a fast rate, sometimes quicker than I can cope with, it is the right decision to make. I will miss it and will still ask about the last good shout and hopefully still meet up with the boys in the pub occasionally. But it's time to move on.
Just hoping that it will provide me with one final drive and BA wear before I leave.

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328/365 - Ummmm curry.

I am gutted that curry is one of the things that helps bring labour in pregnancy. Yeah right. A few beers and curry mid week. I have also had to endure fresh pineapple too, thankfully no raspberry leaf tea though.
Not much longer I think till we see our second child.

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327/365 - Nearly time.

This is part of series I took of my wonderful wife who is heavily pregnant. I know how much she hates seeing herself as a subject for my blog so I am truely greatful she has allowed me to use this shot today. Love you darling x

Lighting and setup is very simple. Just my black reflective background behind her and one single speedlite in my softbox camera right.

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326/365 - Images in print.

I recently won a comp over at the SWPP and today I got to see my winning entry in print. I am so stoked. The image will be entered into the forum general catergory at the end of year conference. How cool is that. All the top dog judges at the SWPP discussing my work..

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325/365 - Packing my bag.

With the impending birth of our second child, I thought I ought to get a bag packed. I am a man of simple needs so this lot should do.
Mp3 player and headphones.
Iphone charger.
Half drunk bottle of water.
2 oranges (My mum would be proud of me eating fruit)
Packet of m&m type things.
Oh and my camera. Canon 30d with Nifty fifty, lens cloth and some memory cards.
And a copy of the latest professional imag maker magazine too. Don't want to get bored now just sitting around.
That should see me through the event.....

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Saturday, 21 November 2009

324/365 - Meet Pheobe.

Had an amazing portrait shoot today with a great bunch of kids. One who I had shoot before as a surprise for his Mum's birthday. So it was great to work with him again, such a charhacter.
This little cutey is 4 month old Pheobe. Everyone say "Ahhh"...
Would love to share the rest of the shots with you but you will have to wait until the parents have seen them first. Sorry.

But if you are looking for some relaxed portraits of you or your family then drop me a line. There's even still time to before christmas.

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323/365 - I needed this.

All work and no play make's Me unhappy. So tonight I am taking a night off from work. The first one in a long time. Just me my heavily pregnant wife and a bottle of wine. Did feel a little guilty as Abi is only allowed a very small thimble full of wine and I polished off the rest of the bottle. But the break was well deserved. For both of us.

Oh the set up for this was one flash high behind glass and bottle with orange filter to help the ambient light of the cabinet, second flash on floor behind me to just lift the room a little. Both fired with cactus v4's. Think it works bloody well if do say so myself.

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Thursday, 19 November 2009

322/365 - Shoreline log.

Took a trip up to Lynmouth today as the swell charts said it would be working. Got there and it was 3-4ft+ , offshore winds and only 3 out. Shame I was working and didn't get to go in. Boooo. But found this rather interesting shaped log whilst wasting a few minutes watching some epic sets come in.
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Wednesday, 18 November 2009

321-365 - Work Work Work.

The view in my office tonight. I am busy working on album designs, promo material and portfolio images. Oh and catching up on my 365 blog shots too. Busy busy busy.. Looking ahead though, my 2010 wedding bookings are coming in nicely thank you. Still a few weeks left but not many and I am even taking bookings for 2011 already. I must be doing something right I guess.

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320/365 - What's up darling. Does ti hurt?

Our boy is not well today, the final few teeth are pus hing through. It has been a testing time for all of us. Hence the lack of narrative for todays shot. Need more sleep.

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319/365 - Lee Filters.

My sample pack from lee filters arrived today. It's whole plethera os filters that they make, in fact all of them I think, the swatch is only small but just small enough to slip inside the stoffen on my flash gun. How handy... 300 filters for no money. Bargain.

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318/365 - We've missed you.

Short and sweet. Top Gear is back. Sundays are complete again.

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317/365 - Saunton Joiner.

Something a little different today. Back to my a level photography days with the joiner image of Saunton beach. The weather was foul today and I struggled to even get these shots as the wind was blowing so hard from the SW.

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316/365 - Bored at work.

Just a quick randon snap today. We were very bored at work today and things got so bad one of the guys cleaned the outside of the chiller. We must have been bored..

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315/365 - Ughhhhh.

The heating is done and we can have hot water again. Only downside is a dirty great hole in a cupboard where the boiler used to live. Ummmm lovely.

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314/365 - Nice cupcakes.

The plumbers are in full swing with the new central heating systemt his week and the wife had been baking. For them I have to add. Managed to steal one though.

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313/365 - Lilly?

Have been meaning to shot these guys for a few days now. Kinda a left it a bit late but think I managed to salvage the best from them.

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365 Blog Updates.

Yes I know it hasd been over a week since my last update but I have a genuine reason honest.
But rest assured I have been taking the daily image, I have just not had time upload them yet. I am setting aside a good couple of hours tonight to get my blog back up to speed and I promise to try harder in futrue to update it sooner.
In all honesty I have been very busy this past month, wedding season may now be over until next year but I am busy designg albums, sorting out bookings for next year and doing the odd family portrait in time for christmas.
So check back later tonight for my updated blog. Promise, well unless my wife goes into labour.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Free Portrait Sttings.

That's right I am offering some free portrait sittings to the good people of my facebook fan page or readers of my blog, as a way of saying thak you for supporting me these past 12 months. There's no catches just simply mail me on free_photos(at) with a good reason whY i should offer you one of free portrait sittings. I doesn't have to be a family portrait, you can use that hour for whatever you like. Engagement shoot, cherish the dress, modeling portfolio or whatever.
Ok so the nitty gritty. I am offering a free one hour photoshoot with me with 4 free 12x8 prints. No cost to you, but you have to come to me in North Devon. Simples.
So come get thinking then get mailing.

Monday, 9 November 2009

312/365 - Choas.

Choas. Work has started on our house this week and it's a bomb site. New central heating system is going in, double glazing is being replaced, en suite bathroom in the master bedroom is hopefully going in very soon and I have a builder coming around soon to do some serious damage to our kitchen. We must be mad with our second child due in just over three weeks.. Oh well.

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311/365 - Meet Jacob

Finally managd to get over and see our friends who have recently had their first baby. Welcome to the world Jacob and star of todays blog shot.

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310/365 - Vitamin See?

Back home and feeling the effects of drinking most nights in front of a log fire for the past week. So trying to make myself feel that little bit healthier by eating some fruit.

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309/365 - Meet Moose.

Homeward bound today, but not without a quick stop at ikea for some home furnishings. Taking a 2 year old into Ikea should be banned. Bless his cotton socks he was great until we hit the soft toy section, then he wanted everything. We tried hard to lose most of what he put in our trolley but "Moose" made it through and home with us. Well it kept him happy and me too I guess.

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308/365 - Mountain walk.

Abi wanted some rest today so I took the boy out for a walk, well I say walk, he just sat there in his carrier on my back and I did all the walking.
Found this pretty waterfall halfway up the side of another welsh mountain.

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307/365 - Long and winding road.

Bit of a trek out today as I wanted to see proper Wales as I see it. So a trip to the Brecon Beacons was in order. Great weather when we left home, shocking by the time we got anyway decent into the hills.

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306/365 - Stuck in the muck.

The weather was foul today so we took a trip into Cardiff by train, which was a great experience for our boy. The train station we parked at was busy so had to park on a grass verge. Heavy rain, heavy van. Need I say anymore.. Thanks to the AA for towing me out.

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305/365 - Caerphilly Castle

I am on a mission today to buy Caerphilly cheese from Caerphilly. So after a walk around the castle (This image is of the great fire place in one of the tower) I went in search. Fail, is all I will say, had to buy it from Morrisions.

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304/365 - Let's explore the farm.

Where we are staying is on a working farm so took my heavily pregnant wife and our boy out to explore the farm today. How much fun.

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303/365 - Canal Walk.

Went for the day to visit brother in law and his wife (is she my sister in law in law or?) Anyway, pub lunch then a walk by the canal. A great start to the week.

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302/365 - A warm welcome.

First day of my well deserved holiday. I am going to be holed up in a 16th Centruy converted barn for the week in South Wales at the foot of a welsh mountain. No wifi, no internet just my family, a log fire and beer. Heaven.

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