Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Free Portrait Sttings.

That's right I am offering some free portrait sittings to the good people of my facebook fan page or readers of my blog, as a way of saying thak you for supporting me these past 12 months. There's no catches just simply mail me on free_photos(at)mattfryer.co.uk with a good reason whY i should offer you one of free portrait sittings. I doesn't have to be a family portrait, you can use that hour for whatever you like. Engagement shoot, cherish the dress, modeling portfolio or whatever.
Ok so the nitty gritty. I am offering a free one hour photoshoot with me with 4 free 12x8 prints. No cost to you, but you have to come to me in North Devon. Simples.
So come get thinking then get mailing.

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