Saturday, 7 August 2010

Family entertainment.

Family entertainment., originally uploaded by ::matt.fryer::.

We took the family out tonight to the sheepdog trial and falconary display at Borough Farm near Woolacombe, home to the Channel 5 tv stars of Mist and her sheep dog tails. Having lived i Woolacombe all my life I was a little sceptical about the whole thing, thinking it was just another tourist attraction. How wrong I was. First pleasent surprise, the price. £4 per adult kids under 6 go free for a 1 1/2 hour show. Bargain. Second surprise a stand selling homemade cakes. I'm happy. The first half of the show was David Kennard who runs the farm talking about and showing his dogs and the work they do. Despite seeing it all my life I was a still captivated, just as much as my boys were. The second half of the show was a display from Johnathan Marshall and it was amazing. Won't say too much as I strongly recommend you seeing it.
All in all it was a fantastic hour and a half for little money.

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