Monday, 11 January 2010

2/52 - Fanny by laptop light

Well here we are for another weekly shot, this week I am shattered, been burning the candle at both end and in the middle too. It's prime wedding booking season and with enquiries and bookings coming daily it's a struggle to keep up with them all and spend quality time with two boys under two. Sorry boys I promise I will devote sometime to you soon. Honest. So the beard growth, well it's cultivating nicely. Not too itchy yet, but I'm sure that's just around the corner.

Shot set up. - 580exII laid on laptop keyboard firing straight at me, 128th power with stofen, behind my head is the 430 ez with aqua gel and home made diffuser, which will be used in in some later shots this month. All fired by cactus v4's and 40d. If I had a third strobe working then I would have used it to add some fill to the front of the laptop.

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