Friday, 1 January 2010

My 2010, 52 project.

Well my 365 project is now behind me and as ever I am always looking towards the next project, so for 2010 I shall be undetaking a 52 project. Every week for the whole year I shall post an images here on my blog and on my flickr stream. To make it a bit more interesting, I am going to theme each month. As hinted in my 364/365 image I am not shaving for the month of January, so this will be my theme for the first 5 weeks of this year. I have several ideas for theme's for the rest of the year but am open to suggestions. So get thinking, drop me a line and suggest theme. You never know I might even throw you a free photosession with me if I use your suggestion.

Once again thanks to eveyone who has supported me though out 2009 and here's to new ventures in 2010.

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