Saturday, 26 June 2010

26/52 - More of Alice.

Some of you may remeber my shots, back in the early part of this year, of Alice a new young model from North Devon. Previous Alice post
Well her friends sent a few of the shots I took into miss teenuk comp and she has been selected for a photoshoot in London next week. So in order to prep her for her 5 mins of fame in the big smoke, we set up another shot to give Alice some more practice, this time we took the shoot outside. Apart from forgetting half her planned wardrobe we managed a great fun little shoot.
Shot on my 7d with my 24-105mm f/4 L and single 580 exii speedlight on light stand fired by cactus v4 camera front left. If memmory serves me correct this was shot with flash at 1/8 power 50mm zoom on head.

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