Wednesday, 30 June 2010

27/52 - Fishy bench.

Treated myself to a fisheye lens the other week and this is the first chance I have had to get out and play. It's nothing fancy just an 8mm Samyung full manual fisheye, which is interesting but fun.
Being laid up with a bad back this week, there was no funky angles or high vantage points to make the image that much more dynamic, just a simple grab whilst on a slow walk along the tarka trail. In an attempt to spice it up a little I pushed the exposure 2 stops above and 2 stops below in lightroom, then run the 5 images through Photomatix HDR software to create this tone mapped version of the original shot.
Very pleased with the final result and had forgotten how good a well done tone mapped image can look. Might have like a bit more contrast on the wood of the bench if I had to be picky, but over all I'm very pleased with the result considering the circumstances.

For full impact of shot - View On Black

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